Some get their rhinestone Cadillacs and drive 'em home
I don't want money, I don't need fame
Don't need neon shining all around my name
I need you darlin and the way you loved me
On the streets of Nashville”…
Many light years back, I used to listen to Claudia Church and others (Don Williams’ Wish I was in Nashville) singing their hearts out for Nashville and had always wondered: what is it about Nashville that makes a prosaic into a dreamer? Finally, I got a chance to explore Nashville during Thanksgiving Holidays.
Now that I am home, I am back to my normal mundane self and write about the exciting stuff I did while on vacation (Did I just say Exciting??#$) We went to Nashville, Tennessee for four days of incredible thanksgiving holidays. How do I define the overall trip? - It was definitely filled with fun stuff but also had few moments of disappointment, mainly because of bad weather. What did I gain from the trip? - Hmm...Days of relaxed time, advanced knowledge of historical caves and yeah, sweet, melodious southern accent. (You must listen to SG's new accent, priceless!!!)
Many light years back, I used to listen to Claudia Church and others (Don Williams’ Wish I was in Nashville) singing their hearts out for Nashville and had always wondered: what is it about Nashville that makes a prosaic into a dreamer? Finally, I got a chance to explore Nashville during Thanksgiving Holidays.
Now that I am home, I am back to my normal mundane self and write about the exciting stuff I did while on vacation (Did I just say Exciting??#$) We went to Nashville, Tennessee for four days of incredible thanksgiving holidays. How do I define the overall trip? - It was definitely filled with fun stuff but also had few moments of disappointment, mainly because of bad weather. What did I gain from the trip? - Hmm...Days of relaxed time, advanced knowledge of historical caves and yeah, sweet, melodious southern accent. (You must listen to SG's new accent, priceless!!!)
You must be thinking, why on earth would somebody go to Nashville for four days? Are we done with visiting all the famous touristy spots in America? Nah, we aren’t. As late-planners we both are, me and AD were still in the so-called 'vacation-planning mode' when PC invited us for his wedding party at Nashville. So, having nothing better to do, we agreed and so did few other friends. Tickets were bought and enthusiastic plans were made including mundane things like booking cars and who is going to pick whom from airport and forever contentious decision of how many luggages to carry between me and AD! LOL!!

After much contemplation, I have decided to write about this significant NG group trip, hopefully making it a part of indelible memories for each of us…
The Beginning…
We reached Nashville on Nov 22nd; the sky was bright, grass was green and it was warmer than MN, a welcome change! After having a sumptuous lunch at AA’s place, we headed for PC's Uncle's place in Murfreesboro. Dumbfounded and stunned by their affluence, I asked few stupid questions, “Oh, so many cars! Are there lot of guests here today”? “No, these are my Uncle's cars!!!”, replied PC. Smart-mouthed, isn't it?
Other than few episodes of dozing off, we had a good time playing TT and Pool at Uncle's 'Game-room'. One interesting fact of our NG group: the members are inflicted with Photomania: Obsession to get their mugshots clicked (it’s a new concoction by yours trulyJ). While SG and VA have advanced degree of this much sought-after symptom, AD is a tiny step behind. Believe me, we have hundreds of photos of every little, insignificant stuff we do on our group trip. By now, you must have guessed...yeah, we have at least 20 photos of just the game room! J
After reaching the hotel and making umpteenth plans for the next day trip to Mammoth Caves, we were ready to retire for the day. With all the excitement reserved in my heart, I called on to my flying horses…zzzz...
Coming tomorrow: Exploring Mammoth caves!

After much contemplation, I have decided to write about this significant NG group trip, hopefully making it a part of indelible memories for each of us…
The Beginning…
We reached Nashville on Nov 22nd; the sky was bright, grass was green and it was warmer than MN, a welcome change! After having a sumptuous lunch at AA’s place, we headed for PC's Uncle's place in Murfreesboro. Dumbfounded and stunned by their affluence, I asked few stupid questions, “Oh, so many cars! Are there lot of guests here today”? “No, these are my Uncle's cars!!!”, replied PC. Smart-mouthed, isn't it?
Other than few episodes of dozing off, we had a good time playing TT and Pool at Uncle's 'Game-room'. One interesting fact of our NG group: the members are inflicted with Photomania: Obsession to get their mugshots clicked (it’s a new concoction by yours trulyJ). While SG and VA have advanced degree of this much sought-after symptom, AD is a tiny step behind. Believe me, we have hundreds of photos of every little, insignificant stuff we do on our group trip. By now, you must have guessed...yeah, we have at least 20 photos of just the game room! J
After reaching the hotel and making umpteenth plans for the next day trip to Mammoth Caves, we were ready to retire for the day. With all the excitement reserved in my heart, I called on to my flying horses…zzzz...
Coming tomorrow: Exploring Mammoth caves!
Great blog, PP. Can't wait to see more from ya. As I have already told you...I would like to add my own experiences too. That should be out very soon. Hopefully!!!
Keep up the good job...I would definitely like to see the rest of the saga in the coming days.
Hey PP,
you've disappeared...And I can understand coz I too had for a while..but snap out of the phase and write more!
PC (now PM ;)
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