August 23, 2007

In the Throes of Procrastination

I had one whole week to complete my take-home Economics paper; I kept postponing it and finally completed it on the last day. Another instance: I had to book tickets to Detroit; saw a really good deal on the air-tickets, thought, “I have enough time to book it, will do it in a few days”, the tickets were gone the next day. I had to return the library books it was due in three days, as usual, waited and had to pay some fine! This is not the first time I have done something like this. You give me any task to do; I would wait till the last minute to do it. I wonder: why am I like this? Why do I have to postpone it to the last minute? I could give you myriad instances where I have been lax and suffered. Yeah, I believe I am in the throes of procrastination.

What is it?

I looked into dictionary for the meaning of Procrastination: Procrastination comes from the Latin “pro,” meaning “forward, forth, or in favor of,” and “crastinus,” meaning “of tomorrow”. Thus, it means to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness; to postpone or delay needlessly. I am surprised to note that it’s out of carelessness. I have always thought I am careful!!

Wikipedia gives another meaning to procrastination: Procrastination is a type of avoidance behaviour which is characterised by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. It is often cited by psychologists as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. Wow! Another surprise: there are psychological causes for procrastination mentioned: Anxiety, low-sense of self-worth…???? I am shocked.
And there are physiological causes too: low activity of the prefrontal cortex! It sure sounds like some kind of complex phenomenon. According to the information, I suffer mainly from academic procrastination, where I do not want to meet deadlines for submissions. Furthermore, mine is a relaxed type procrastination wherein, I avoid doing some tasks by directing energy into another tasks! So, basically, I am not lethargic, I just like to do things at the last minute!

Well..after educating myself with the definition and causes of the so-called procrastination, I believe I can relax, there is no urgency…things will happen in their own time…I have all the time in this world!!


Blue said...

Nice to find these definitions somewhere. Now, I know better myself and I finally have "a name" for my... behaviour?. Don´t worry too much. Lots of us are procrastinized, just few have the courage to accept it. The rest say they don´t have time to do anything because of stress.
Go on with your blog, it is a nice one.

Blue said...

Thanks back for your comments too, but you already know... it´s hard.
Next topic... Murphy´s law.